Transformational Breathwork Sessions

Monthly breathwork group sessions, focusing on resetting our energy and intention as we come out of quarantine and begin to process feelings, such as fear, isolation, loneliness, that have come to live in our bodies.

2023 Sessions

Join me as we learn more about ourselves and find our way back to an internal sense of safety even when the external world can feel scary and uncertain. Using ancient practices of Breathwork, meditation, group sharing, art, and journaling, we will come back to the center, inner calm, and a sense of wholeness. Heal inner trauma and shift core beliefs that have kept us in a dysfunctional pattern.

2023 dates: October 19th November 1st

Location: Black Cat Studios 228 South Main Street, Sebastopol CA 95472

Masks are optional

Unsure about Shamanic Breathwork? Read all about what it is here.